Using Strenghts-Based Approach to Behavior
Digging Deeper to Improve Self-Regulation
OT Occupational Profile Interview Template (AOTA)
Course Handouts (4 per page)
Reference List for Strengths-Based Approaches to Behavior Course
Course Workbook
AOTA Increasing Access to Behavioral Health
Module 1 - Video 1 (Intro, Objectives, and A New Mindset!)
Is This You? (Seen within module 1 video)
Racial Discrepancy in Children with ADHD Article
Module 1 Video 2 (Why Behavior & Exciting New Concepts)
Toddler Video (Discussed within module 1 video)
Through Your Child's Eyes - Vision Simulator
Still-Face Experiemnt
Module 2 Video - Research Review & Discussion
Two Minute Video on Fantastic Report from AAP, CDC Regarding Affects of COVID
Module 3 Video - Learning Styles & Societal Rules
Complete the VARK Learning Style Questionnaire
Melting Exercise for De-stressing. Guided Meditation from GoNoodle
Therapeutic Use of SELF - Your Superpower!
Research by Cambridge's Autism Research Centre (ARC) Simon Baron-Cohen
Temple Grandin's View of Rules
Sensory Nosology Chart - Organizes Sensory Disorders
Module 4 - Video 1 (States Vs. Traits and Regulation)
Amygdala Video - Good Activity for Older Children
Module 4 - Video 2 (Neuroscience of Behavior)
Dr. Daniel Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain
Dr. Bruce Perry's NMT Link
Module 5 Video - Trauma, Survival, and Somatic Experiencing
How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime - Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
PCCA Infographic - Great Resource to Post in Your Clinic or Office
Fantastic Video About Somatic Experiencing - Dr. Peter Levine, PhD
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Pediatric Occupational Therapists, OT Assistants, OT Students. SECONDARY AUDIENCE: Speech-Language Pathologists, SLP Assistants, SLP graduate students, Physical Therapists, PT Assistants.
$197 for 4.5 contact hours
Online, on-demand! Access the course when it best fits your schedule!
The course is available for: .45 AOTA CEUs
This is an introductory/beginner-level course. No prerequisites are required for this course.
The Therapeutic Edge uses a course platform that records the dates and times of each completed module you take. This on-demand course is given via several video modules, a course workbook, downloadable slide handouts, and a final online post-test. Access to a computer with reliable audio and internet connection is required.
Learners must watch all the video content and pass an online exam (multiple choice) with an 80% or higher. Learners will also have to complete a course evaluation/survey at the end to earn continuing education credit.
Participants must complete the entire course; partial credit is not allowed. The original purchaser must sign an attestation statement that they are the one who took the course as well as the post-test to receive CE credit.
Please contact to request additional accommodations according to the Americans with Disabilities Act before purchase.
Refunds will be issued within 14 days of purchase or if no more than 3 modules have been completed. There will be no refunds after this time due to the self-paced nature of the course. You may request a full-refund or transfer your registration to another course of equal value. To request a refund please email Please see the complete policy by clicking the link in the footer of this page titled "Policies."
A full description of our cancellation/refund policies, complaint policies, accommodation request, privacy policies, and terms & conditions can be found linked in the footer of this page or at:
Start digging deeper to improve self-regulation, today!
Upon course completion, participants will:
Explain that behavior is communication when a child is dysregulated.
Describe recent research connecting movement, sensory, and executive function to behavior and emotion in children.
Discuss the importance of movement to higher-level brain function and occupational performance.
Identify the difference between proactive and reactive responses to tantrums/meltdowns.
Discuss the impact of trauma on a child’s performance.
Identify how the ability to regulate during occupation is affected by retained reflexes and decreased complex movement patterns.
Describe interoception and its relation to emotion and theory of mind.
Describe at least three fun and engaging activities that can be used immediately to improve the regulation of children.
Cara Koscinski, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
Dr. Cara Koscinski is many things! She is the mother to two sons with autism, an occupational therapist, the original founder of The Pocket Occupational Therapist (now The Therapeutic Edge Collective), an author, educator, presenter, mentor, and more!
Dr. Koscinski has over 26 years of experience in the field of occupational therapy. She has written 8 books related to the field and created countless resources such as continuing education courses, therapy materials, handouts, and more.
Cara Koscinski is the founder of The Pocket Occupational Therapist (now The Therapeutic Edge Collective, owned by Brittni Winslow). She is also the author of several books shown in this presentation.
Cara is the parent of two sons with autism.
This course does not focus exclusively on any specific product or service.
There is no external sponsor for this course.
Credits available for: